Attributes and methods available on the IRowNode<TData>
Unique ID for the node. Either provided by the application, or generated by the grid if not. |
The index of the row in the source rowData array including any updates via transactions.
It does not change when sorting, filtering, grouping, pivoting or any other UI related operations.
If this is a filler node (a visual row created by AG Grid in tree data or grouping) the value will be -1 . |
The data as provided by the application.
Can be undefined when using row grouping or during grid initialisation. |
Updates the data on the rowNode . When this method is called, the grid will refresh the entire rendered row if it is displayed. |
Replaces the data on the rowNode . When this method is called, the grid will refresh the entire rendered row if it is displayed. |
Replaces the value on the rowNode for the specified column. When complete,
the grid will refresh the rendered cell on the required row only.
Note: This method only fires onCellEditRequest when the Grid is in Read Only mode.
colKey : The column where the value should be updatednewValue : The new valueeventSource : The source of the event
Returns: true if the value was changed, otherwise false . |
The current row index. If the row is filtered out or in a collapsed group, this value will be null . |
The row top position in pixels. |
This will be true if it has a rowIndex assigned, otherwise false . |
Returns: true if the node is currently hovered. false if the node is not hovered. |
Expand / Collapse
true if group is expanded, otherwise false . |
Returns: true if the node can be expanded, i.e it is a group or master row. false if the node cannot be expanded. |
Set the expanded state of this rowNode.
true if this node is a group node (i.e. it has children) |
If using row grouping, contains the group values for this group. |
If using row grouping and aggregation, contains the aggregation data. |
The key value for this group. |
The field we are grouping on from our row data. |
The row group column used for this group. |
If doing in-memory (client-side) grouping, this is the index of the group column this cell is for.
This will always be the same as the level, unless we are collapsing groups, i.e. groupHideParentOfSingleChild=true . |
true if row is a footer. Footers have group = true and footer = true . |
The parent node to this node, or empty if top level. |
How many levels this node is from the top when grouping. |
How many levels this node is from the top when grouping in the UI (only different to parent when groupHideParentOfSingleChild=true ). |
All lowest level nodes beneath this node, no groups. |
Children of this group. If multi levels of grouping, shows only immediate children. |
Filtered children of this group. |
Sorted children of this group. |
Number of children and grand children. |
true if this node is a group and the group is the bottom level in the tree. |
If using footers, reference to the footer node for this group. |
Perform a depth-first search of this node and its children. |
The height, in pixels, of this row. |
Sets the row height.
Call if you want to change the height initially assigned to the row.
After calling, you must call api.onRowHeightChanged() so the grid knows it needs to work out the placement of the rows.
rowHeight : - new height of the rowestimated : - is this an estimated height. Default: false |
Master Detail
true if this row is a master row, part of master / detail (ie row can be expanded to show detail). |
true if this row is a detail row, part of master / detail (ie child row of an expanded master row). |
Pinned Rows
Either 'top' or 'bottom' if row pinned, otherwise undefined or null . |
Returns: true if node is either pinned to the top or bottom . false if the node isn't pinned. |
Quick Filter
If using quick filter, stores a string representation of the row for searching against. |
The first time quickFilter runs, the grid creates a one-off string representation of the row.
This string is then used for the quick filter instead of hitting each column separately.
When you edit, using grid editing, this string gets cleared down.
However if you edit without using grid editing, you will need to clear this string down for the row to be updated with the new values.
Otherwise new values will not work with the quickFilter . |
Is this row selectable. |
Select (or deselect) the node.
Returns: true if node is selected. false if the node isn't selected. undefined if it's partially selected (group where not all children are selected). |
Server Side Row Model
Used by server-side row model. true if this row node is a stub. A stub is a placeholder row with loading icon while waiting from row to be loaded. |
Used by server side row model, true if this row node failed a load. |
Returns the route of the row node. If the Row Node does not have a key (i.e it's a group) returns undefined |