Vue Data GridPivot Result Columns


The grid generates pivot result columns to display the aggregated values for each unique permutation of pivot values.

Column Definitions Copy

Pivot Result Columns inherit Column Definitions from the value column that they were created from. It is also possible to extend this definition further to specifically customise pivot result columns using the processPivotResultColDef grid option.

Callback for the mutation of the generated pivot result column definitions

In the example below, the Gold column has cellStyle: { backgroundColor: '#f2e287' } applied, this is then inherited by the pivot result columns, causing all of the sum(Gold) columns to have a gold background. Note that the Silver column does not have this background so neither do the sum(Silver) columns.

The grid option processPivotResultColDef is then also used, which sets the text colour of all the pivot result columns to #2f73ff.

This uses the following configuration to both inherit and modify column definitions on the pivot result columns:

    /* other grid options ... */>

this.columnDefs = [
    // ...other column definitions
    { field: 'gold', aggFunc: 'sum', cellStyle: { backgroundColor: '#f2e287' } },
    { field: 'silver', aggFunc: 'sum', cellStyle: {} },
this.pivotMode = true;
this.processPivotResultColDef = (colDef) => {
    colDef.cellStyle.color = '#2f73ff'; // the params are mutated directly, not returned

Filtering Copy

When pivot mode is enabled, you can Filter on the pivot result columns by setting the filter attribute on your value column.

As pivot values are all aggregates, filtering out rows will not re-aggregate the parent rows. Refer to Filtering Aggregated Values for more information.

Pivot result columns inherit the properties of the value column from which they are generated. However, setting filter: true will instead default to a Number Filter in the case of a pivot result column. The Set Filter cannot be used for filtering pivot result columns.

Best Practices Copy

Limiting Column Generation Copy

When pivoting, changes in data, aggregation or pivot columns can cause the number of generated columns to scale exponentially. This can cause performance issues such as long delays in rendering, and often the resulting view would be unmanageable for the user.

To prevent this from happening, you can set the pivotMaxGeneratedColumns option. When the grid generates a number of pivot columns exceeding this value, it halts column generation, clears the view, and fires the onPivotMaxColumnsExceeded event to allow your application to intervene.

In the example above, pivoting by the Athlete column will instead trigger the pivotMaxColumnsExceeded event, which logs an error in the browser console.

The example above demonstrates the following configuration:

    /* other grid options ... */>

this.pivotMode = true;
this.pivotMaxGeneratedColumns = 1000;
this.onPivotMaxColumnsExceeded = () => {
        'The limit of 1000 generated columns has been exceeded. Either remove pivot or aggregations from some columns or increase the limit.'

Next Up Copy

Continue to the next section to learn Pivot Column Groups.