Vue Data GridTime Series


This section covers how to chart time series data using Integrated Charts.

Integrated Charts supports the charting of time series data using line and area charts when a time axis is chosen instead of a category or numeric axis.

Time vs Category Axis Copy

A Time Axis is used to plot continuous date / time values, whereas a Category Axis is used to plot discrete values or categories.

The example below highlights the differences between time and category axes. Notice that the time axis contains all days for the range of values provided, whereas the category axis only shows axis labels for the discrete values provide.

Time Axis Configuration Copy

A Time Axis can be configured by setting chartDataType = 'time' on the column definition.

For the time axis to work correctly, the column must contain values in one of the following formats:

  • Date
  • string in ISO 8601 format
  • number representing the numeric timestamp

Additionally, if chartDataType is not specified and the column contains Date values, it will automatically use a time axis.

The following snippet shows how different time series values can be configured to enable a time axis:

    /* other grid options ... */>

this.columnDefs = [
    // date objects are treated as time by default
    { field: 'someDate' },
    { field: 'someIsoString', chartDataType: 'time' },
    { field: 'someTimestamp', chartDataType: 'time' },
this.rowData = [
        someDate: new Date('Mon Apr 17 2023 12:43:17'), // date object
        someIsoString: '2023-04-17T11:43:17.000Z', // ISO 8601 string
        someTimestamp: 1681735397000, // numeric timestamp (JavaScript format)
    // ... more rows

The following example demonstrates configuring numeric timestamps to use a time axis:

Time Axis Combination Chart Copy

A time axis can also be used in combination charts as shown in the following example.

For more details on how to configure a combination chart, see the Range Chart API example.

Next Up Copy

Continue to the next section to learn about Save / Restore Charts.