Vue Data GridExternal Filter

External filtering allows you to mix your own filtering logic with the grid's inbuilt filtering, without creating column-based filter components.

This form of filtering is only compatible with the Client-Side Row Model, see Row Models for more details.

Implementing External Filtering Copy

The example below shows external filters in action. There are two methods on gridOptions you need to implement: isExternalFilterPresent and doesExternalFilterPass.

Grid calls this method to know if an external filter is present.
Should return true if external filter passes, otherwise false.

isExternalFilterPresent Copy

isExternalFilterPresent is called exactly once every time the grid senses a filter change. It should return true if external filtering is active or false otherwise. If you return true, doesExternalFilterPass will be called while filtering, otherwise doesExternalFilterPass will not be called.

doesExternalFilterPass Copy

doesExternalFilterPass is called once for each row node in the grid. If you return false, the node will be excluded from the final set.

If the external filter changes, you need to call api.onFilterChanged() to tell the grid.

Example Copy

The example below shows an external filter in action.