Vue Data GridCell Components

Custom HTML / DOM inside Cells is achieved using Cell Components. Create Custom Cell Components to have any HTML markup in a cell. The grid comes with some Provided Cell Components for common grid tasks.

The example below shows adding images, hyperlinks, and buttons to a cell using Custom Cell Components.

Provided Components Copy

The grid comes with some built in Cell Components that cover some common cell rendering requirements.

Custom Components Copy

You can access the params object via this.params in the usual methods (lifecycle hooks, methods etc), and via props.params when using setup.

  // ...
  beforeMount() {
    this.cellValue = this.params.value;
  // ...

Properties available on the ICellRendererParams<TData = any, TValue = any, TContext = any> interface.

TValue | null | undefined
Value to be rendered.
string | null | undefined
Formatted value to be rendered.
True if this is a full width row.
'left' | 'right' | null
Pinned state of the cell.
TData | undefined
The row's data. Data property can be undefined when row grouping or loading infinite row models.
The row node.
The cell's column definition.
The cell's column.
The grid's cell, a DOM div element.
The parent DOM item for the cell renderer, same as eGridCell unless using checkbox selection.
Convenience function to get most recent up to data value.
Convenience function to set the value.
Convenience function to format a value using the column's formatter.
Convenience function to refresh the cell.
registerRowDragger: rowDraggerElement The HTMLElement to be used as Row Dragger dragStartPixels The amount of pixels required to start the drag (Default: 4) value The value to be displayed while dragging. Note: Only relevant with Full Width Rows. suppressVisibilityChange Set to true to prevent the Grid from hiding the Row Dragger when it is disabled.
Sets a tooltip to the main element of this component. value The value to be displayed by the tooltip shouldDisplayTooltip A function returning a boolean that allows the tooltip to be displayed conditionally. This option does not work when enableBrowserTooltips={true}.
The grid api.
Application context as set on gridOptions.context.

Note that if Row Selection is enabled, it is recommended to set suppressKeyboardEvent on the column definition to prevent the ␣ Space key from triggering both row selection and toggling the checkbox.

Cell Component Function Copy

Instead of using a Vue component, it's possible to use a function for a Cell Component.

This is useful if you have a String value to render and want to avoid the overhead of a Vue component.

In the example below we're outputting a string value that depends on the cell value:

    <ag-grid-vue :columnDefs="columnDefs" ...other properties>

//...other imports
import {AgGridVue} from "ag-grid-vue3";

export default {
    components: {
    data() {
        return {
            columnDefs: [
                    headerName: "Value",
                    field: "value",
                    cellRenderer: params => params.value > 1000 ? "LARGE VALUE" : "SMALL VALUE"

It is also possible to write a JavaScript-based Cell Component - refer to the docs here for more information

Selecting Components Copy

The Cell Component for a Column is set via colDef.cellRenderer and can be any of the following types:

  1. String: The name of a registered Cell Component, see Registering Custom Components
  2. Function: A function that returns either an HTML string or DOM element for display.

The code snippet below demonstrates each of these method types.

    /* other grid options ... */>

this.columnDefs = [
    // 1 - String - The name of a Cell Component registered with the grid.
        field: 'age',
        cellRenderer: 'agGroupCellRenderer',
    // 2 - Function - A function that returns an HTML string or DOM element for display
        field: 'year',
        cellRenderer: params => {
            // put the value in bold
            return 'Value is <b>' + params.value + '</b>';

Dynamic Component Selection Copy

The colDef.cellRendererSelector function allows setting different Cell Components for different Rows within a Column.

The params passed to cellRendererSelector are the same as those passed to the Cell Renderer Component. Typically the selector will use this to check the row's contents and choose a renderer accordingly.

The result is an object with component and params to use instead of cellRenderer and cellRendererParams.

This following shows the Selector always returning back a Mood Cell Renderer:

cellRendererSelector: params => {
    return {
        component: 'GenderCellRenderer',
        params: {values: ['Male', 'Female']}

However a selector only makes sense when a selection is made. The following demonstrates selecting between Mood and Gender Cell Renderers:

cellRendererSelector: params => {

    const type =;

    if (type === 'gender') {
        return {
            component: 'GenderCellRenderer',
            params: {values: ['Male', 'Female']}

    if (type === 'mood') {
        return {
            component: 'MoodCellRenderer'

    return undefined;

Here is a full example.

  • The column 'Value' holds data of different types as shown in the column 'Type' (numbers/genders/moods).
  • colDef.cellRendererSelector is a function that selects the renderer based on the row data.
  • The column 'Rendered Value' show the data rendered applying the component and params specified by colDef.cellRendererSelector

Accessing Instances Copy

After the grid has created an instance of a Cell Component for a cell it is possible to access that instance. This is useful if you want to call a method that you provide on the Cell Component that has nothing to do with the operation of the grid. Accessing Cell Components is done using the grid API getCellRendererInstances(params).

Returns the list of active cell renderer instances.

An example of getting the Cell Component for exactly one cell is as follows:

// example - get cell renderer for first row and column 'gold'
const firstRowNode = api.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(0);
const params = { columns: ['gold'], rowNodes: [firstRowNode] };
const instances = api.getCellRendererInstances(params);

if (instances.length > 0) {
    // got it, user must be scrolled so that it exists
    const instance = instances[0];

Note that this method will only return instances of the Cell Component that exists. Due to Row and Column Virtualisation, Cell Components will only exist for Cells that are within the viewport of the Vertical and Horizontal scrolls.

The example below demonstrates custom methods on Cell Components called by the application. The following can be noted:

  • The medal columns are all using the user defined MedalCellRenderer. The Cell Component has an arbitrary method medalUserFunction() which prints some data to the console.
  • The Gold method executes a method on all instances of the Cell Component in the gold column.
  • The First Row Gold method executes a method on the gold cell of the first row only. Note that the getCellRendererInstances() method will return nothing if the grid is scrolled far past the first row showing row virtualisation in action.
  • The All Cells method executes a method on all instances of all Cell Components.

Custom Props Copy

The props passed to the Cell Component can be complimented with custom props. This allows configuring reusable Cell Components - e.g. a component could have buttons that are optionally displayed via additional props.

Compliment props to a cell renderer using the Column Definition attribute cellRendererParams. When provided, these props will be merged with the grid provided props.

    <ag-grid-vue :columnDefs="columnDefs" ...other properties>

//...other imports
import {AgGridVue} from "ag-grid-vue3";

// define Cell Component to be reused
const ColourComponent = {
  template: '<span :style="{color: params.color}">{{params.value}}</span>'

export default {
    components: {
    data() {
        return {
            columnDefs: [
                    headerName: "Colour 1",
                    field: "value",
                    cellRenderer: 'ColourComponent',
                    cellRendererParams: {
                        color: 'guinnessBlack'
                    headerName: "Colour 2",
                    field: "value",
                    cellRenderer: 'ColourComponent',     
                    cellRendererParams: {
                        color: 'irishGreen'
    //...other properties & methods

This example shows rendering an image with and without custom props and using custom props to pass a callback to a button. The Refresh Data button triggers the cell components to refresh by randomising the success data.

Dynamic Tooltips Copy

When working with Custom Cell Renderers it is possible to register custom tooltips that are displayed dynamically by using the setTooltip method.

Properties available on the ICellRendererParams<TData = any, TValue = any, TContext = any> interface.

Sets a tooltip to the main element of this component. value The value to be displayed by the tooltip shouldDisplayTooltip A function returning a boolean that allows the tooltip to be displayed conditionally. This option does not work when enableBrowserTooltips={true}.

The example below demonstrates a dynamic tooltip being displayed on Cell Components. The following can be noted:

  • The Athlete column uses the shouldDisplayTooltip callback to only display Tooltips when the text is not fully displayed.

Keyboard Navigation Copy

When using custom Cell Components, the custom Cell Component is responsible for implementing support for keyboard navigation among its focusable elements. This is why by default, focusing a grid cell with a custom Cell Component will focus the entire cell instead of any of the elements inside the custom cell renderer.

In order to handle focus in your custom cell component, implement Custom Cell Component Keyboard Navigation.