JavaScript Data GridInstallation

Install AG Grid with a package manager or download AG Grid directly.

Install AG Grid with NPM

AG Grid is available through NPM packages. Below is a code example of using AG Grid with NPM and ECMA 6 imports.

To install AG Grid and update your package.json file run:

npm install --save ag-grid-community

To install AG Grid Enterprise and update your package.json file run:

npm install --save ag-grid-enterprise

Afterwards, depending on your project setup, you can either require or import the module. For ag-grid, you need the ag-grid module:

// ECMA 5 - using nodes require() method
var AgGrid = require('ag-grid-community');

// ECMA 6 - using the system import method
import { createGrid } from 'ag-grid-community';

For AG Grid Enterprise features, import the ag-grid-enterprise package for it to be included in your application:

import 'ag-grid-enterprise'

Download AG Grid

If your project does not use package manager and you don't want to refer AG Grid from CDN, you can download the AG Grid's source files and keep them in your project structure.

Disclaimer: This makes upgrading more complex and prone to errors. We recommend using AG Grid from an NPM package or from CDN.

Download AG Grid Community

You can download AG Grid Community from GitHub Repository.

Once unpacked you'll see four bundle files in within the dist folder:

  • dist/ag-grid-community.js — standard bundle containing JavaScript and CSS
  • dist/ag-grid-community.min.js — minified bundle containing JavaScript and CSS
  • dist/ag-grid-community.noStyle.js — standard bundle containing JavaScript without CSS
  • dist/ag-grid-community.min.noStyle.js — minified bundle containing JavaScript without CSS

Should you decide to use the noStyle versions of the bundle, the style sheet files are present in the styles folder.

Download AG Grid Enterprise

You can download AG Grid Enterprise from GitHub Repository.

Once unpacked you'll see four bundle files in within the dist folder:

Again there are four bundle files in the distribution:

  • dist/ag-grid-enterprise.js — standard bundle containing JavaScript and CSS
  • dist/ag-grid-enterprise.min.js — minified bundle containing JavaScript and CSS
  • dist/ag-grid-enterprise.noStyle.js — standard bundle containing JavaScript without CSS
  • dist/ag-grid-enterprise.min.noStyle.js — minified bundle containing JavaScript without CSS

Should you decide to use the noStyle versions of the bundle, you should use the style files from the AG Grid bundle (all the styles needed for community and enterprise are in the community CSS files).

After downloading the bundles, you can refer to the files in the same way as you would from CDN. Refer the getting started section for step-by-step guide on that.