Angular Data GridUpgrading to AG Grid 32.2.1

What's New Copy

See the release post for details of what's new in version 32.2.

Codemods Copy

Follow these steps to upgrade your project's AG Grid version to 32.2.0:

  1. Locate your project's package.json and note the version of AG Grid that you are currently using.

  2. Update any AG Grid dependencies listed in the package.json to version 32.2.0.

  3. Open a terminal and navigate to your project's root folder.

  4. Run the migrate command of version 32.2 of the AG Grid codemod runner, where $FROM_VERSION refers to your project's existing AG Grid version:

    npx @ag-grid-devtools/cli@32.2 migrate --from=$FROM_VERSION

    This will update your project's source files to prepare for the new release.

    By default the Codemod runner will locate all source files within the current directory. For projects with more specific requirements, pass a list of input files to the migrate command, or specify the --help argument to see more fine-grained usage instructions.

The Codemod runner will check the state of your project to ensure that you don't lose any work. If you would rather see a diff of the changes instead of applying them, pass the --dry-run argument.

The codemod only transforms source files that make use of deprecated features, so if you aren't currently making use of any of those APIs your source code will be unaffected by the codemod.

See the Codemods documentation for more details.

Deprecations Copy

ColDef Copy

  • checkboxSelection is deprecated, rowSelection.checkboxes is default now, set to false in gridOptions to disable.

  • showDisabledCheckboxes is deprecated, use rowSelection.hideDisabledCheckboxes = true in gridOptions instead.

  • headerCheckboxSelection is deprecated, rowSelection.headerCheckbox = true is default now, set to false in gridOptions to disable.

  • headerCheckboxSelectionFilteredOnly is deprecated, use rowSelection.selectAll = "filtered" in gridOptions instead.

  • headerCheckboxSelectionCurrentPageOnly is deprecated, use rowSelection.selectAll = "currentPage" in gridOptions instead.

Events Copy

  • columnEverythingChanged - deprecated, use displayedColumnsChanged which is fired at the same time, or one of the more specific Column Events.

  • rangeDeleteStart - deprecated, use cellSelectionDeleteStart instead.

  • rangeDeleteEnd - deprecated, use cellSelectionDeleteEnd instead.

  • rangeSelectionChanged - deprecated, use cellSelectionChanged instead.

Grid API Copy

  • getInfiniteRowCount - deprecated, use getDisplayedRowCount instead.

  • clearRangeSelection - deprecated, use clearCellSelection method instead.

Grid Options Copy

  • rowSelection="single" is now deprecated, use rowSelection.mode = "singleRow" instead.

  • rowSelection="multiple" is now deprecated, use rowSelection.mode = "multiRow" instead.

  • suppressCopyRowsToClipboard is deprecated. Copying of selected rows is suppressed by default, use rowSelection.copySelectedRows to enable it.

  • suppressCopySingleCellRanges is deprecated, use rowSelection.copySelectedRows instead.

  • groupSelectsChildren is deprecated, use rowSelection.groupSelects = "descendants" instead.

  • groupSelectsFiltered is deprecated, use rowSelection.groupSelects = "filteredDescendants" instead.

  • rowMultiSelectWithClick is deprecated, use rowSelection.enableMultiSelectWithClick instead.

  • suppressBrowserResizeObserver - deprecated without replacement.

  • suppressRowDeselection is deprecated. Row Deselection is suppressed by default, use rowSelection.enableClickSelection instead.

  • suppressRowClickSelection is deprecated, use rowSelection.enableClickSelection instead.

  • suppressMultiRangeSelection is deprecated, use cellSelection.suppressMultiRanges instead.

  • enableRangeSelection is deprecated, use cellSelection instead.

  • enableRangeHandle is deprecated, use cellSelection.handle instead.

  • enableFillHandle is deprecated, use cellSelection.handle instead.

  • fillHandleDirection is deprecated, use cellSelection.handle.direction instead.

  • suppressClearOnFillReduction is deprecated, use cellSelection.handle.suppressClearOnFillReduction instead.

  • isRowSelectable is deprecated, use rowSelection.isRowSelectable instead.

  • fillOperation is deprecated, use cellSelection.handle.setFillValue instead.

Grid State Object Fields Copy

rangeSelection - deprecated, when setting this manually use cellSelection field instead.

Row Nodes Copy

isFullWidthCell - deprecated, check node.detail then use provided callback isFullWidthRow instead.

Breaking Changes Copy

This release includes no breaking changes.