Angular Data GridTree Data - Tree Selection


Row Selection can allow users to select rows in a tree structure.

Selecting Descendants Copy

When using Multiple Row Selection with a tree structure, the grid can be configured to impact descendant and ancestor rows when a row is selected.

To enable hierarchical selection, set the rowSelection.groupSelects option to one of the following values:

  • 'self' (default): Selecting a row selects only the row itself.
  • 'descendants': Selecting a row will select all of its descendants. Its ancestor row will become indeterminate, unless all of its descendant rows are selected.
  • 'filteredDescendants': Selecting a group row will select all of its descendants that pass the filter. Its ancestor row will become indeterminate, unless all of its descendant rows are selected.

Checkboxes in Group Cells Copy

When using Row Selection with Tree Data, the grid can be configured to render checkboxes in the group cell, to the right of the expand/collapse chevron.

This can be configured by setting the rowSelection.checkboxLocation to 'autoGroupColumn'.

The example above demonstrates the following configuration to render checkboxes in the group cell:

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.rowSelection = {
    mode: 'multiRow',
    checkboxLocation: 'autoGroupColumn',
    headerCheckbox: false,

Next Up Copy

Continue to the next section to learn how to configure Filtering.