Angular Data GridFilters Tool Panel


The Filters Tool Panel allows accessing the grid's filters without needing to open up the column menu.

The example below shows the Filters Tool Panel. The following can be noted:

  • Columns Athlete, Age, Country, Year and Date appear in the Filters Tool Panel as they have filters.
  • Columns Gold, Silver, Bronze and Total do not appear in the Filters Tool Panel as they have no filters.
  • Clicking on a column in the Filters Tool Panel will show the filter below the column name. Clicking a second time will hide the filter again.
  • Columns with filters active will have the filter icon appear beside the filter name in the tool panel.

Suppress Options Copy

It is possible to remove items from the Filters Tool Panel. Items are suppressed by setting one or more of the following toolPanelParams to true when you are using the agFiltersToolPanel component:

Properties available on the IToolPanelFiltersCompParams interface.

To suppress Expand / Collapse All
To suppress the Filter Search
Suppress updating the layout of columns as they are rearranged in the grid

To remove a particular column / filter from the tool panel, set the column property suppressFiltersToolPanel to true.

default: false
Set to true if you do not want this column (filter) or group (filter group) to appear in the Filters Tool Panel.

The example below demonstrates the suppress options described above. Note the following:

  • Expand / Collapse All and Filter Search are hidden as suppressExpandAll and suppressFilterSearch are both set to true.
  • The date column / filter is hidden from the tool panel using: colDef.suppressFiltersToolPanel=true.

Filter Instances Copy

The filters provided in the tool panel are the same instances as the filter in the column menu. This has the following implications:

  • Configuration relating to filters equally applies when the filters appear in the tool panel.
  • The filter behaves exactly as when it appears in the column menu. E.g. the Apply button will have the same meaning when used in the tool panel. Also the relationship with the Floating Filter (if active) will be the same.
  • If the filter is open on the tool panel and then the user subsequently opens the column menu, the tool panel filter will be closed. Because the filter is the same filter instance, it will only appear at one location at any given time.

Expand / Collapse Filter Groups Copy

It is possible to expand and collapse filter groups in the Filters Tool Panel by invoking methods on the Filters Tool Panel Instance. These methods are shown below:

interface IFiltersToolPanel {
    expandFilterGroups(groupIds?: string[]): void;
    collapseFilterGroups(groupIds?: string[]): void;
    ... // other methods

The code snippet below shows how to expand and collapse filter groups using the Filters Tool Panel instance:

// lookup Filters Tool Panel instance by id, in this case using the default filter instance id
const filtersToolPanel = this.gridApi.getToolPanelInstance('filters'); 

// expands all filter groups in the Filters Tool Panel

// collapses all filter groups in the Filters Tool Panel

// expands the 'athlete' and 'competition' filter groups in the Filters Tool Panel
filtersToolPanel.expandFilterGroups(['athleteGroupId', 'competitionGroupId']);

// collapses the 'competition' filter group in the Filters Tool Panel

Notice in the snippet above that it's possible to target individual filter groups by supplying groupIds.

The example below demonstrates these methods in action. Note the following:

  • When the grid is initialised, collapseFilterGroups() is invoked in the onGridReady callback to collapse all filter groups in the tool panel.
  • Clicking Expand Athlete & Competition just expands the 'Athlete' and 'Competition' filter groups using: expandFilterGroups(['athleteGroupId', 'competitionGroupId']).
  • Clicking Collapse Competition just collapses the 'Competition' filter group using: collapseFilterGroups(['competitionGroupId']).
  • Clicking Expand All expands all filter groups using: expandFilterGroups(). Note that 'Sport' is not expanded as it is not a filter group.
  • Clicking Collapse All collapses all filter groups using: collapseFilterGroups().

Expand / Collapse Filters Copy

It is possible to expand and collapse the filters in the Filters Tool Panel by invoking methods on the Filters Tool Panel Instance. These methods are shown below:

interface IFiltersToolPanel {
    expandFilters(colIds?: string[]): void;
    collapseFilters(colIds?: string[]): void;
    ... // other methods

The code snippet below shows how to expand and collapse filters using the Filters Tool Panel instance:

// lookup Filters Tool Panel instance by id, in this case using the default filter instance id
const filtersToolPanel = this.gridApi.getToolPanelInstance('filters'); 

// expands all filters in the Filters Tool Panel

// collapses all filters in the Filters Tool Panel

// expands 'year' and 'sport' filters in the Filters Tool Panel
filtersToolPanel.expandFilters(['year', 'sport']);

// collapses the 'year' filter in the Filters Tool Panel

Notice in the snippet above that it's possible to target individual filters by supplying colIds.

The example below demonstrates these methods in action. Note the following:

  • When the grid is initialised all filters are collapsed by default
  • Clicking Expand Year & Sport just expands the 'year' and 'sport' filters by invoking: expandFilters(['year', 'sport']).
  • Clicking Collapse Year just collapses the 'year' filter using: collapseFilters(['year']).
  • Clicking Expand All expands all filters using: expandFilters().
  • Clicking Collapse All collapses all filters using: collapseFilters().

Custom Filters Layout Copy

The order of columns in the Filters Tool Panel is derived from the columnDefs supplied in the grid options, and is kept in sync with the grid when columns are moved by default. However custom filter layouts can also be defined by invoking the following method on the Filters Tool Panel Instance:

interface IFiltersToolPanel {
    setFilterLayout(colDefs: ColDef[]): void;
    ... // other methods

Notice that the same Column Definitions that are supplied in the grid options are also passed to setFilterLayout(colDefs).

The code snippets below show how to set custom filter layouts using the Filters Tool Panel instance:

    /* other grid options ... */ />

// original column definitions supplied to the grid
this.columnDefs = [
    { field: 'a' },
    { field: 'b' },
    { field: 'c' },
// lookup Filters Tool Panel instance by id, in this case using the default columns instance id
const filtersToolPanel = this.gridApi.getToolPanelInstance('filters'); 

// set custom Filters Tool Panel layout
        headerName: 'Group 1', // group doesn't appear in grid
        children: [
            { field: 'c' }, // custom column order with column "b" omitted
            { field: 'a' }

Notice from the snippet above that it's possible to define groups in the tool panel that don't exist in the grid. Also note that filters can be omitted or positioned in a different order. However note that all referenced columns (that contain filters) must already exist in the grid.

When providing a custom layout it is recommend to enable suppressSyncLayoutWithGrid in the tool panel params to prevent users changing the layout when moving columns in the grid.

The example below shows two custom layouts for the Filters Tool Panel. Note the following:

  • When the grid is initialised the filter layout in the Filters Tool Panel matches what is supplied to the grid in gridOptions.columnDefs.
  • Clicking Custom Sort Layout invokes setFilterLayout(colDefs) with a list of column definitions arranged in ascending order.
  • Clicking Custom Group Layout invokes setFilterLayout(colDefs) with a list of column definitions containing groups that don't appear in the grid.
  • Moving columns in the grid won't affect the custom layouts as suppressSyncLayoutWithGrid is enabled.