Angular Data GridSparklines - Points of Interest


This section covers customisation of Sparkline Points of Interest.

Some data points in the sparklines are special and can be emphasised to allow for quick identification and comparisons across the values of a single sparkline or across multiple sparklines of the same type. These include:

  • First and Last
  • Minimum and Maximum
  • Positive and Negative
Line sparkline

First and last

Area sparkline

Minimum and Maximum

Column sparkline

Negative and positive

These special points can be customised via the styler callback function to make them stand out from the rest of the data points which are using the global styles.

  • The styler is a callback function used to return formatting for individual data points based on the given parameters.
  • The styler receives an input parameter according to the sparkline type.

Below are some examples demonstrating the different formatters for the three sparkline types:

Line and Area Sparklines Points of Interest Copy

In the line and area sparklines, each data point is represented by a marker. To customise the points of interest, the styler function is added to the marker options:

sparklineOptions: {
    marker: {
        enabled: true,
        itemStyler: (params: AgSeriesMarkerStylerParams): AgSeriesMarkerStyle => ..., // add itemStyler to marker options

The itemStyler callback function will receive an input parameter of type AgSeriesMarkerStylerParams.

The function return type should be AgSeriesMarkerStyle, allowing the following attributes to be customised:

  • size
  • fill
  • stroke
  • strokeWidth

The following sections outline how the attributes mentioned above can be customised for various special points of interest:

First and Last Copy

Let's say we have a line sparkline where the markers are all 'skyblue' but we want to make the first and last markers stand out with a purple fill and stroke style.

We can do this by adding the following styler to the marker options.

const itemStyler = (params: AgSeriesMarkerStylerParams): AgSeriesMarkerStyle => {
    const { first, last } = params;

    return {
        size: first || last ? 5 : 3,
        fill: first || last ? '#9a60b4' : 'skyblue',
        stroke: first || last ? '#9a60b4' : 'skyblue'
  • In the snippet above, first and last boolean values are extracted from the params object and used to conditionally set the size, fill and stroke of the markers.
  • If the given data point is the first or last point i.e. if first or last is true, the size of the marker is set to 5px. All other markers will be 3px.
  • Similar conditional logic is applied to colorise the markers to distinguish the first and last points from the rest.

See the result of adding this styler in the sparklines on the right below, compared with the ones on the left which are using global styles in marker options:

Global styles

Global marker styles

Area first and last marker customisation

Formatted first and last points

Global styles

Global marker styles

Line first and last marker customisation

Formatted first and last points

Min and Max Copy

Similar to first and last, to emphasise the min and max data points, the min and max booleans from the styler params can be used to conditionally style the markers.

const itemStyler = (params: AgSeriesMarkerStylerParams): AgSeriesMarkerStyle => {
    const { min, max } = params;

    return {
        size: min || max ? 5 : 3,
        fill: min ? '#ee6666' : max ? '#3ba272' : 'skyBlue',
        stroke: min ? '#ee6666' : max ? '#3ba272' : 'skyBlue',
  • If the data point is a minimum or a maximum point – if min or max is true – the size is set to 5px, otherwise it is set to3px.
  • If the marker represents a minimum point, the fill and stroke are set to red, if the marker represents a maximum point, the fill and stroke are set to green. Otherwise the fill and stroke are set to sky blue.

See the result of adding this styler in the sparklines on the right below, compared with the ones on the left which are using global styles in marker options:

Global styles

Global marker styles

Area min and max marker customisation

Formatted min and max points

Global styles

Global marker styles

Line min and max marker customisation

Formatted min and max points

Positive and Negative Copy

The positive and negative values can be distinguished by adding a styler which returns styles based on the yValue of the data point.

This is demonstrated in the snippet below.

const itemStyler = (params: AgSeriesMarkerStylerParams): AgSeriesMarkerStyle => {
    const { yValue } = params;

    return {
        // if yValue is negative, the marker should be 'red', otherwise it should be 'green'
        fill: yValue < 0 ? 'red' : 'green',
        stroke: yValue < 0 ? 'red' : 'green'

See the result of adding this styler in the sparklines on the right below, compared with the ones on the left which are using global styles in marker options:

Global styles

Global marker styles

Area positive and negative marker customisation

Formatted positive and negative points

Global styles

Global marker styles

Line positive and negative marker customisation

Formatted positive and negative points

Column And Bar Sparklines Points of Interest Copy

Bar sparklines are just transposed column sparklines and have the same configuration. This section only covers column sparkline examples but the same applies for bar sparklines.

In the column sparklines, each data point is represented by a rectangle/ column. The styler callback function applies to the individual columns and is added to sparklineOptions:

sparklineOptions: {
    type: 'bar',
    direction: 'vertical',
    itemStyler: columnFormatter, // add styler to sparklineOptions

The itemStyler will receive an input parameter with values associated with the data point it represents. The input parameter type is columnFormatterParams.

The function return type should be ItemStylerFormat, allowing these attributes to be customised:

  • fill
  • stroke
  • strokeWidth

The following sections outline how the attributes mentioned above can be customised for various special points of interest:

First and Last Copy

Let's say we want to make the first and last columns in our column sparklines stand out by styling them differently to the rest of the columns.

We can do this by adding the following styler to the sparklineOptions.

const itemStyler = (params: AgSeriesMarkerStylerParams): AgSeriesMarkerStyle => {
    const { first, last } = params;

    return {
        fill: first || last ? '#ea7ccc' : 'skyblue',
        stroke: first || last ? '#ea7ccc' : 'skyblue'

Here is the result of adding this styler compared with setting global styles in sparklineOptions:

Global styles

Global column styles

Column first and last customisation

Formatted first and last points

Min and Max Copy

Similar to first and last, to emphasise the min and max data points, the min and max booleans from the styler params can be used to conditionally style the markers.

const itemStyler = (params: AgSeriesMarkerStylerParams): AgSeriesMarkerStyle => {
    const { min, max } = params;

    return {
        fill: min ? '#ee6666' : max ? '#3ba272' : 'skyBlue',
        stroke: min ? '#ee6666' : max ? '#3ba272' : 'skyBlue',

Here is the result of adding this styler compared with setting global styles in sparklineOptions:

Global styles

Global column styles

Column minimum and maximum customisation

Formatted minimum and maximum points

Positive and Negative Copy

The positive and negative values can be distinguished by adding a styler which returns styles based on the yValue of the data point.

This is demonstrated in the snippet below.

const columnFormatter = (params: AgSeriesMarkerStylerParams): AgSeriesMarkerStyle => {
    const { yValue } = params;

    return {
        // if yValue is negative, the column should be dark red, otherwise it should be purple
        fill: yValue < 0 ? '#a90000' : '#5470c6',
        stroke: yValue < 0 ? '#a90000' : '#5470c6'

Here is the result of adding this styler compared with setting global styles in sparklineOptions:

Global styles

Global column styles

Column positive and negative customisation

Formatted positive and negative points

Example: Points of Interest Copy

The example below shows formatting of special points for line, area and column sparklines.

It should be noted that

  • The highlighted property on the params object is used to distinguish between highlighted and un-highlighted states.
  • The itemStyler for line and area sparklines is added to the marker options
  • The size property is returned from the area and line formatters to make certain special markers visible and the rest invisible.

Next Up Copy

Continue to the next section to learn about Sparkline API.