Angular Data GridSparklines - API


Sparkline Options Copy

All sparkline types and interfaces are available from the ag-charts-community or ag-charts-enterprise packages.

import { AgSparklineOptions, ... } from 'ag-charts-community'; // or ag-charts-enterprise

Per-type options for sparklines are available

Sparkline Item Styler Copy

Depending on series type, item stylers are either present on the main options object, or as a property of the markers object.

The signature is generally the same for all series types

function itemStyler(params: AgAreaSeriesMarkerItemStylerParams ): AgSeriesMarkerStyle {
    const { yValue } = params;
    return {
        fill: yValue > 0 ? 'green' : 'red'

See AG Charts

Sparkline Tooltip Renderer Copy

The tooltip renderer is a function that can be provided to the sparkline options' tooltip object. It is called with the series datum and should return a string to be displayed in the tooltip.

const sparklineOptions: AgSparklineOptions = {
    tooltip: {
        renderer: (params: AgSeriesTooltipRendererParams<any>): AgTooltipRendererResult => {
            return `Value: ${params.datum.value}`;

See AG Charts Tooltips for more information on tooltip options.