Angular Data GridMulti-Row Selection

Enable users to select many rows at once within a grid.

Enabling Multi-Row Selection Copy

To enable multi-row selection set rowSelection.mode to 'multiRow':

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.rowSelection = { 
    mode: 'multiRow' 

The following example illustrates a basic multi-row selection configuration.

Click checkboxes to select or deselect a row. Alternatively, you can do this via the keyboard by focusing the row and pressing the ␣ Space key. Users can hold ⇧ Shift and then click a checkbox to add a range of adjacent rows to the selection.

Ranges of rows can be selected by holding down ⇧ Shift while clicking on rows. This behaviour also applies when Checkbox Selection is enabled, and in Group Selection.

Removing Selection Checkboxes Copy

To prevent any row selection checkboxes from being rendered in rows, set rowSelection.checkboxes to false. To prevent the header checkbox from being rendered, set rowSelection.headerCheckbox to false. Setting both to false will disable the checkbox column. You will also need to enable click selection by setting enableClickSelection: true.

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.rowSelection = {
    mode: 'singleRow',
    checkboxes: false,
    headerCheckbox: false,
    enableClickSelection: true,

You may pass a function to rowSelection.checkboxes to dynamically enable or disable checkboxes for given rows.

Configure Selectable Rows Copy

It is possible to specify which rows can be selected via the rowSelection.isRowSelectable callback function.

For instance if we only wanted to allow selection for rows where the 'year' property is less than 2004, we could implement the following:

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.rowSelection = {
    mode: 'multiRow',
    isRowSelectable: (rowNode) => ? < 2004 : false,

Rows for which isRowSelectable returns false cannot be selected at all, whether using the UI or the API.

Note that this example uses hideDisabledCheckboxes to hide disabled checkboxes, which can be toggled on or off.

Selecting All Rows Copy

All rows may be selected at once by using the header checkbox, which is enabled by default in 'multiRow' mode.

The three possible values of rowSelection.selectAll are:

  • 'all': (Default) Selecting the header checkbox selects all selectable rows in the grid.
  • 'filtered': Selecting the header checkbox will select all rows that satisfy the currently active filter.
  • 'currentPage': Selecting the header checkbox will select all rows that satisfy the currently active filter on the current page.
    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.rowSelection = { 
    mode: 'multiRow',
    selectAll: 'filtered'

The example below demonstrates the three different modes available for rowSelection.selectAll:

Note that when rowSelection.isRowSelectable is defined, the header checkbox will only select selectable rows.

The value of rowSelection.selectAll does not affect group selection behaviour, which is controlled by rowSelection.groupSelects. See Row Grouping - Selecting Groups for more on this.

Customising the Checkbox Column Copy

The checkbox column may be customised in a similar way to any other column, by specifying its column definition in the selectionColumnDef grid option.

Configure the selection column, used for displaying checkboxes. Note that due to the nature of this column, this type is a subset of ColDef, which does not support several normal column features such as editing, pivoting and grouping.

The SelectionColumnDef allows for a great deal of customisation, including custom renderers, sorting, tooltips and more. The example below demonstrates allowing sorting using the default sort order (selected first) via the header, changing the default width of the column, allowing resizing, and pinning it to the left.

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.selectionColumnDef = {
    sortable: true,
    resizable: true,
    width: 120,
    suppressHeaderMenuButton: false,
    pinned: 'left',

Enable Click Selection & Deselection Copy

The rowSelection.enableClickSelection property configures whether a row's selection state will be impacted when the row is clicked, or when ␣ Space is pressed while the row is focused.

boolean | 'enableDeselection' | 'enableSelection'
default: false
Modifies the selection behaviour when clicking a row. Choosing 'enableSelection' allows selection of a row by clicking the row itself. Choosing 'enableDeselection' allows deselection of a row by CTRL-clicking the row itself. Choosing true allows both selection of a row by clicking and deselection of a row by CTRL-clicking. Choosing false prevents rows from being selected or deselected by clicking.

This is typically used when Checkbox Selection is disabled, though both can be enabled simultaneously if desired. Click-selection and deselection can be enabled by setting enableClickSelection to true, otherwise they may be enabled separately using the values 'enableSelection' and 'enableDeselection'.

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.rowSelection = { 
    mode: 'multiRow',
    enableClickSelection: true,

The example below demonstrates the three possible configurations for this property, as well as the behaviour when it is disabled. Use the select element to switch between modes.

Note that deselection is still possible when checkboxes are enabled by clicking a selected checkbox.

Force Checkboxes to be Selected Copy

It is possible to select a row via the Grid API and disable its checkbox to prevent users from deselecting it. This can be achieved by providing a function to rowSelection.checkboxes.

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.rowSelection = {
    mode: 'multiRow',
    checkboxes: (params) => && === 2012,
this.onFirstDataRendered = (params) => {
    const nodesToSelect = [];
    params.api.forEachNode((node) => {
        if ( && <= 2008 && >= 2004) {
    params.api.setNodesSelected({ nodes: nodesToSelect, newValue: true });

In the example below only rows with Year equal to 2012 can be selected or deselected by the user. Clicking the header checkbox, however, will select all rows even if their checkboxes are disabled.

Selecting Multiple Rows without Ctrl key Copy

In certain circumstances, especially in the context of touchscreen devices, users may want to select multiple rows without having to use the ^ Ctrl key.

This can be accomplished by setting the rowSelection.enableSelectionWithoutKeys flag to true. You will also need to set enableClickSelection to true.

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.rowSelection = {
    mode: 'multiRow',
    checkboxes: false,
    headerCheckbox: false,
    enableSelectionWithoutKeys: true,
    enableClickSelection: true,

Click multiple rows in the example below without pressing any keyboard keys to explore this behaviour.

API Reference Copy

See the full list of configuration options available in 'multiRow' mode.

default: 'self'
Determine group selection behaviour
default: 'all'
Determines how "select all" behaviour works. This controls header checkbox selection.
default: true
If true a 'select all' checkbox will be put into the header.
boolean | 'enableDeselection' | 'enableSelection'
default: false
Modifies the selection behaviour when clicking a row. Choosing 'enableSelection' allows selection of a row by clicking the row itself. Choosing 'enableDeselection' allows deselection of a row by CTRL-clicking the row itself. Choosing true allows both selection of a row by clicking and deselection of a row by CTRL-clicking. Choosing false prevents rows from being selected or deselected by clicking.
boolean | CheckboxSelectionCallback
default: true
Set to true or return true from the callback to render a selection checkbox.
default: 'selectionColumn'
Configure where checkboxes are displayed. Choosing 'selectionColumn' displays checkboxes in a dedicated selection column. Choosing 'autoGroupColumn' displays checkboxes in the autoGroupColumn. This applies to row checkboxes and header checkboxes.
default: false
Set to true to hide a disabled checkbox when row is not selectable and checkboxes are enabled.
Callback to be used to determine which rows are selectable. By default rows are selectable, so return false to make a row non-selectable.
default: false
When enabled and a row is selected, the copy action should copy the entire row, rather than just the focused cell
default: false
Set to true to allow (possibly multiple) rows to be selected and deselected using single click or touch.
'self' | 'detail'
default: 'self'
Determines the selection behaviour of master rows with respect to their detail cells. When set to 'self', selecting the master row has no effect on the selection state of the detail row. When set to 'detail', selecting the master row behaves the same as the header checkbox of the detail grid.

Next up Copy

Row selection can be used when using row grouping, tree data and the server-side row model. See the respective sections of the documentation:

Continue to the next section to see the Row Selection API reference.