It is possible to nest Master / Detail grids. There is no special configuration required to do this, you just configure another Detail Grid to also act as a Master Grid.
The following snippet illustrates how to achieve nesting by configuring Detail Grids to also act as Master Grids.
// Level 3 (bottom level), Detail Grid only, no Master / Detail configuration
const gridOptionsLevel3 = {
// Level 2, configured to be a Master Grid and use Level 3 grid as Detail Grid,
const gridOptionsLevel2 = {
masterDetail: true,
detailCellRendererParams: {
detailGridOptions: gridOptionsLevel3,
getDetailRowData: function (params) {
// Level 1, configured to be a Master Grid and use Level 2 grid as Detail Grid,
const gridOptionsLevel1 = {
masterDetail: true,
detailCellRendererParams: {
detailGridOptions: gridOptionsLevel2,
getDetailRowData: function (params) {
Below shows a simple Master Detail setup with two levels of Master Detail. The example is kept short (few rows and columns) so as to focus on the nesting.
Example Copy
Example: Auto Height Copy
The next example is identical to the previous except all the Detail Grids have property detailRowAutoHeight=true
. Notice that this removes all vertical scrolls from all the Detail Grids, leaving just the main Master Grid with a vertical scroll.