Angular Data GridExcel Export - Images


Excel Export allows including images in the Excel export file. For example, you can add your company logo to the top or bottom of the exported Excel spreadsheet, or export any images you're displaying inside grid cells.

Exporting Images Copy

You can export an image for any grid cell using the addImageToCell callback in the export parameters shown below:

Use to export an image for the gridCell in question.
    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.defaultExcelExportParams = {
    addImageToCell: (rowIndex, column, value) => {
        if (rowIndex === 1 && column.colId === 'athlete') {
            const myCompanyLogo = getBase64Image('logo.png');
            return {
                image: {
                    id: 'company_logo',
                    base64: myCompanyLogo,
                    imageType: 'png',
                    fitCell: true

It's important to note that images can only be exported as base64 strings, and the image format must be either PNG, GIF or JPG. You can convert your images to a base64 string, using third party tools, or using the code in our examples on this page.

Every image is required to have an id. This way, if you're exporting the same image multiple times as part of the same export operation, the id will be used to access the image data, so the image file is imported only once.

At the moment, it's only possible to export one image per cell.

Cells with Images Copy

The example below includes a Custom Cell Renderer and uses the addImageToCell callback to convert the cell value into a base64 image.

Note the following:

  • The image gets a margin within the cell because of the offsetX and offsetY properties in the ExcelImage.

Cells with Images and Text Copy

This example has a Custom Cell Renderer showing an image together with text, and uses the addImageToCell to convert the cell value into a base64 image.

Note the following:

  • The image gets a margin within the cell because of the offsetX and offsetY properties in the ExcelImage.
  • This example returns the image and a value. The value is rendered within the same cell as the image.
  • Excel Styles are used to indent the text and vertically align it with the image.

Prepend Images Copy

This example uses the prepend content to add a custom logo to the export.

Note the following:

  • The first row has a larger height as set in the rowHeight callback.
  • The custom content added using prependContent spans across two columns.

Even if an ExcelCell object that merges multiple cells across is created, the ExcelImage still needs be informed of how many columns it will be spanning. This is done by passing position: { colSpan: number } to the ExcelImage.

Next Up Copy

Continue to the next section: Multiple Sheets.