Angular Data GridExcel Export - Formulas


Excel Export allows to include Excel Formulas in the exported file. You can use formulas to translate any column Value Getters logic, so the column values are correctly computed locally in Excel.

Exporting formulas Copy

There are two ways to export formulas.

There are two ways to include formulas as part of the exported Excel file.

  1. Set dataType='Formula' in the Excel Styles for a column.
  2. Set autoConvertFormulas=true in the Excel export parameters to be used across all columns.

Formula Data Type Copy

When a cell is exported with dataType='Formula', the cell content will be automatically converted to an Excel formula. It is your responsibility to ensure the value in the grid cell is a valid Excel formula.

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.columnDefs = [
    { field: 'firstName', headerName: 'First Name' },
    { field: 'lastName', headerName: 'Last Name' },
        headerName: 'Full Name',
        cellClass: 'fullName', 
        valueGetter: params => {
            return `${} ${}`;
this.defaultExcelExportParams = {
    processCellCallback: params => {
        const rowIndex = params.accumulatedRowIndex;
        const valueGetter = params.column.getColDef().valueGetter;
        return !!valueGetter ? `=CONCATENATE(A${rowIndex}, " ", B${rowIndex})` : params.value;
this.excelStyles = [
        id: 'fullName',
        dataType: 'Formula'

Note the following:

  • The Full Name column uses a valueGetter to combine First Name and Last Name.
  • The processCellCallback create a formula that has a similar function of the valueGetter.
  • The exported Excel Sheet will have the Full Name column computed using a formula that uses the First Name and Last Name columns as inputs.

Auto Convert Formulas Copy

When autoConvertFormulas=true is set, the Excel Export will automatically convert any cell with a value that starts with '=' into a formula. As you wouldn't normally display the formula text in the grid (instead, you will display its results), you can provide the Excel formula text in the call to processCellCallback, implementing the logic used to compute the cell value in the column's valueGetter. This substitution of valueGetter logic for an Excel formula in the exported Excel file is shown in the code segment and sample below.

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.columnDefs = [
    { field: 'firstName', headerName: 'First Name' },
    { field: 'lastName', headerName: 'Last Name' },
        headerName: 'Full Name', 
        valueGetter: params => {
            return `${} ${}`;
this.defaultExcelExportParams = {
    autoConvertFormulas: true, // instead of dataType='Formula'
    processCellCallback: params => {
        const rowIndex = params.accumulatedRowIndex;
        const valueGetter = params.column.getColDef().valueGetter;
        return !!valueGetter ? `=CONCATENATE(A${rowIndex}, " ", B${rowIndex})` : params.value;

Note the following:

  • The Full Name column uses a valueGetter to combine First Name and Last Name.
  • The processCellCallback code will be executed for all cells exported to Excel. This code will create an Excel formula for any cell with a valueGetter. In our sample there's only one such column (Full Name), and we output the corresponding formula (CONCATENATE) into the Excel exported file. This way the exported Excel file will have cells in the Full Name column be computed based on the values of First Name and Last Name.
  • As autoConvertFormulas=true there is no need to declare dataType='Formula'

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