Columns can be moved in the grid in the following ways:
- Dragging the column header with the mouse or through touch.
- Using the grid API.
API Copy
The grid API methods for moving columns are as follows:
Moves columns to toIndex . The columns are first removed, then added at the toIndex location, thus index locations will change to the right of the column after the removal. |
Moves the column at fromIdex to toIndex . The column is first removed, then added at the toIndex location, thus index locations will change to the right of the column after the removal. |
Simple Example Copy
The example below demonstrates simple moving via mouse dragging and the API. The following can be noted:
- Dragging the column headers with the mouse moves the column to the new location.
- The Medals First and Medals Last buttons call the API
moveColumns(keys, toIndex)
to place the medals columns at the start or at the end respectively. - The Country First button calls the API
moveColumns([key], toIndex)
to place the Country column first. - The Swap First Two button calls the API
moveColumnByIndex(fromIndex, toIndex)
to swap the first two columns. - The Print Columns button calls the API
to print to the dev console the current column order.
Moving Animation Copy
Column animations happen when you move a column. The default is for animations to be turned on. It is recommended that you leave the column move animations on unless your target platform (browser and hardware) is too slow to manage the animations. To turn OFF column animations, set the grid property suppressColumnMoveAnimation=true
The move column animation transitions the column's position only, so when you move a column, it animates to the new position. No other attribute apart from position is animated.
Suppress Hide Leave Copy
The grid property suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns
will stop columns getting removed from the grid if they are dragged outside of the grid. This is handy if the user moves a column outside of the grid by accident while moving a column but doesn't intend to make it hidden.
Suppress Move When Dragging Copy
By default, the columns are moved while you are dragging them. This effect might not be desirable due to your application design. To prevent this use the suppressMoveWhenColumnDragging
in the gridOptions
/* other grid options ... */ />
this.suppressMoveWhenColumnDragging = true;
Suppress Movable Copy
The column property suppressMovable
changes whether the column can be dragged. The column header cannot be dragged by the user to move the columns when suppressMovable=true
. However the column can be inadvertently moved by placing other columns around it thus only making it practical if all columns have this property.
Lock Position Copy
The column property lockPosition
locks columns to one side of the grid. When lockPosition
is set as either "left"
or "right"
, the column will always be locked to that position, cannot be dragged by the user, and cannot be moved out of position by dragging other columns.
Suppress Movable & Lock Position Example Copy
The example below demonstrates these properties as follows:
- The Age column is locked
as the first column in the scrollable area of the grid. It is not possible to move this column, or have other columns moved over it to impact its position. As a result the Age column marks the beginning of the scrollable area regardless of its position within the column definitions. - The Total column is locked
and likewise its position can not be impacted by moving other columns. - The Athlete column has moving suppressed. It is not possible to move this column, but it is possible to move other columns around it.
- The grid has
set totrue
so columns dragged outside of the grid are not hidden (normally dragging a column out of the grid will hide the column). - The
set totrue
so it is not possible to pin columns to the left or right of the locked columns. - The Age Total and Athlete columns have the user provided
CSS classes applied to them respectively to change the background colour.
Advanced Locked Position Example Copy
Below is a more real-world example of where locked columns would be used. The first column contains buttons for actions, e.g. 'Delete', 'Buy', 'Sell' etc.
From the example the following can be noted:
- The first column is locked into first position by setting
. This means it cannot be moved out of place, and other columns cannot be moved around it. - The first column has the user provided
CSS class applied to it to change the background colour. - The sample application listens for column pinned events. If any column is pinned, then the locked columns are also pinned. This is to keep the locked columns at the first position.
- Clicking Pin Athlete will pin the Athlete column, which will result in locked columns being pinned.
- Clicking Un-Pin Athlete will un-pin the Athlete column, which will result in locked columns being un-pinned (assuming no other columns are left pinned).
Lock Visible Copy
When you move columns around it is possible to change their visibility as follows:
- You can hide a column by dragging it outside of the grid.
- You can show a column by dragging it from the Tool Panel onto the grid (when the grid option
The column property lockVisible
will stop individual columns from being made visible or hidden via the UI. When lockVisible=true
, the column will not hide when it is dragged out of the grid, and columns dragged from the tool panel onto the grid will not become visible.
There is a slight overlap with the property suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns
. When suppressDragLeaveHidesColumns=true
all columns remain visible if they are dragged outside of the grid. This is a good way to block all columns from hiding as the user reorders the columns via dragging. The lockVisible
property is at the column level and blocks all UI functions that change a column's visibility.
Lock Visible Example Copy
The example below shows lock visible. The following can be noted:
is enabled, so that columns can be shown by dragging from the tool panel.- The columns Age, Gold, Silver and Bronze are all locked visible. It is not possible to hide the columns by dragging them out of the grid, and not possible to show the columns by dragging them in from the tool panel.
- If you make a group visible or hidden in the tool panel, the locked columns are not impacted.
- If you drag a group (e.g. the Athlete group) out of the grid, all normal columns in the group are removed and all locked columns in the group are left intact.
Custom Drag And Drop Image Copy
The drag and drop image can be customised via the grid properties dragAndDropImageComponent
and dragAndDropImageComponentParams
Implement this interface to provide a custom drag and drop image component when dragging parts of the grid.
IDragAndDropImageAngularComponent Copy
interface IDragAndDropImageAngularComponent {
// Mandatory - Params for rendering this component.
agInit(params: IDragAndDropImageParams): void;
setIcon(iconName: string | null, shake: boolean): void;
setLabel(label: string): void;
IDragAndDropImageParams Copy
DragSource |
The grid api. |
Application context as set on gridOptions.context . |
Custom Params Copy
On top of the parameters provided by the grid, you can also provide your own parameters. This is useful if you want to allow configuring the component. For example, you might have parts of the grid that you want to highlight with a different colour.
colDef = {
dragAndDropImageComponent: MyDragAndDropImageComponent;
dragAndDropImageComponentParams : {
accentColour: 'SlateGray'