Angular Data GridColumn Headers

Each Column has a Column Header providing a Header Name and typically functions such as Column Resize, Row Sorting and Row Filtering.

Header Name Copy

When no header name is provided, the grid will derive the header name from the provided field. The grid expects the field value to use Camel Case and will insert spaces between word breaks to build a readable header name.

this.columnDefs = [
    // header name will be 'Athlete'
    { field: 'athlete' },
    // header name will be 'First Name'
    { field: 'firstName' },
    // header name will be 'foo'
    { headerName: 'foo', field: 'bar' }

Header Styling Copy

This section will show different ways of manually styling the Grid Header.

Header Style Copy

Used to provide CSS styles directly (not using a class) to the header. Can be either an object of CSS styles, or a function returning an object of CSS styles.

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.columnDefs = [
    // applies to header and floating filter header
        headerName: 'Static Styles',
        field: 'static',
        headerStyle: { color: 'red', 'background-color': 'green' }
        headerName: 'Dynamic Styles',
        field: 'dynamic',
        headerStyle: params => {
            // only style floating filter
            if (params.floatingFilter) {
                return { backgroundColor: 'green' };
            return null;

Header Class Copy

Provides a class for the header. Can be a string (a class), array of strings (array of classes), or a function (that returns a string or an array of strings).

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.columnDefs = [
        headerName: 'Static Class',
        field: 'static',
        headerClass: 'my-class'
        headerName: 'Static Array of Classes',
        field: 'staticArray',
        headerClass: ['my-class1','my-class2'],
        headerName: 'Function Returns String',
        field: 'function',
        headerClass: params => {
            return params.columnGroup ? 'my-custom-column-group' : 'my-custom-column';

Style Interface Copy

Properties available on the AbstractColDef<TData = any, TValue = any> interface.

HeaderStyle | HeaderStyleFunc
An object of CSS values / or function returning an object of CSS values for a particular header.
CSS class to use for the header cell. Can be a string, array of strings, or function.

Combined Example Copy

Below shows both headerStyle and headerClass in a full working example. The example demonstrates the following:

  • Athlete Details: uses headerStyle static object.
  • Athlete: uses headerStyle static object functions. This also causes the floating filter to be styled.
  • Country: uses headerStyle function callback. This allows to set a different background color for the header and floating filter.
  • Sport: uses headerClass to add the sport-header class to the header.
  • Medal Details: uses headerStyle callback function to toggle different styles when the group is expanded or collapsed.

Header Height Copy

These properties can be used to change the different heights used in the headers.

The height in pixels for the row containing the column label header. If not specified, it uses the theme value of header-height.
The height in pixels for the rows containing header column groups. If not specified, it uses headerHeight.
The height in pixels for the row containing the floating filters. If not specified, it uses the theme value of header-height.
The height in pixels for the row containing the columns when in pivot mode. If not specified, it uses headerHeight.
The height in pixels for the row containing header column groups when in pivot mode. If not specified, it uses groupHeaderHeight.

As you can see in the example below, if you change any of the header heights, this change will be reflected automatically. Note how if the value is cleared (set to undefined), it might reuse other values. To see all the interactions check the properties descriptions at the top of the page.

Auto Header Height Copy

The column header row can have its height set automatically based on the content of the header cells. This is most useful when used together with Custom Header Components or when using the wrapHeaderText column property.

To enable this, set autoHeaderHeight=true on the column definition you want to adjust the header height for. If more than one column has this property enabled, then the header row will be sized to the maximum of these columns' header cells so no content overflows.

The example below demonstrates using the autoHeaderHeight property in conjunction with the wrapHeaderText property, so that long column names are fully displayed.

  • Note that the long column header names wrap onto another line.
  • Try making a column smaller by dragging the resize handle on the column header, observe that the header will expand so the full header content is still visible.

Selecting Components Copy

By default the grid uses the provided Header Component. To use a Custom Header Component set headerComponent on the Column Definition.

// a list of column definitions
const colDefs = [{

    // no Header Comp specified, uses the Provided Header Comp
    {headerName: "Athlete", field: "athlete"},
    {headerName: "Sport", field: "sport"},

    // uses Custom Header Comp
    {headerName: "Age", field: "age", headerComponent: MyHeaderComponent}

See Registering Components for an overview of registering components.

Provided Component Copy

Most applications will use the Provided Header Component. It provides functionality such as Sorting, Filtering and Column Menu.

You can provide an HTML template to the Default Header Component for simple layout changes. This is the default template used in AG Grid:

<div class="ag-cell-label-container" role="presentation">
    <span data-ref="eMenu" class="ag-header-icon ag-header-cell-menu-button" aria-hidden="true"></span>
    <span data-ref="eFilterButton" class="ag-header-icon ag-header-cell-filter-button" aria-hidden="true"></span>
    <div data-ref="eLabel" class="ag-header-cell-label" role="presentation">
        <span data-ref="eText" class="ag-header-cell-text"></span>
        <span data-ref="eFilter" class="ag-header-icon ag-header-label-icon ag-filter-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
        <span data-ref="eSortOrder" class="ag-header-icon ag-header-label-icon ag-sort-order" aria-hidden="true"></span>
        <span data-ref="eSortAsc" class="ag-header-icon ag-header-label-icon ag-sort-ascending-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
        <span data-ref="eSortDesc" class="ag-header-icon ag-header-label-icon ag-sort-descending-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
        <span data-ref="eSortNone" class="ag-header-icon ag-header-label-icon ag-sort-none-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>

When you provide your own template, everything should work as expected as long as you re-use the same data-ref attribute names.

eMenuThe container where the column menu icon will appear to enable opening the column menu (in AG Grid Community, this is only used when columnMenu = 'legacy').
eFilterButtonThe container where the column filter icon will appear to enable opening the filter (not used when columnMenu = 'legacy').
eLabelThe container where there is going to be an onClick mouse listener to trigger the sort.
eTextThe text displayed on the column.
eFilterThe container with the icon that will appear if the user filters this column (only used when columnMenu = 'legacy' or suppressHeaderFilterButton = true).
eSortOrderIf multiple columns are sorted, this shows the index that represents the position of this column in the order.
eSortAscIf the column is sorted ascending, this shows the ascending icon.
eSortDescIf the column is sorted descending, this shows the descending icon.
eSortNoneIf no sort is applied, this shows the no sort icon. Note this icon by default is empty.

The data-ref parameters are used by the grid to identify elements to add functionality to. If you leave an element out of your template, the functionality will not be added. For example if you do not specify eLabel then the column will not react to click events for sorting.

Templates are not meant to let you configure icons. If you are looking to change the icons, see Custom Icons for more information.

Set the template using colDef.headerComponentParams. Set on the defaultColDef grid option to set for all Columns.

    /* other grid options ... */ />

this.defaultColDef = {
    width: 100,
    headerComponentParams: {
            `<div class="ag-cell-label-container" role="presentation">
              <span data-ref="eMenu" class="ag-header-icon ag-header-cell-menu-button"></span>
              <span data-ref="eFilterButton" class="ag-header-icon ag-header-cell-filter-button"></span>
              <div data-ref="eLabel" class="ag-header-cell-label" role="presentation">
                <span data-ref="eSortOrder" class="ag-header-icon ag-sort-order"></span>
                <span data-ref="eSortAsc" class="ag-header-icon ag-sort-ascending-icon"></span>
                <span data-ref="eSortDesc" class="ag-header-icon ag-sort-descending-icon"></span>
                <span data-ref="eSortNone" class="ag-header-icon ag-sort-none-icon"></span>
                ** <span data-ref="eText" class="ag-header-cell-text" role="columnheader"></span>
                <span data-ref="eFilter" class="ag-header-icon ag-filter-icon"></span>

Note that specifying your own templates is compatible with other configurations:

  • suppressHeaderFilterButton is specified in: Athlete, Country, Date and Bronze columns
  • sortable=false is specified in: Age, Year, Sport, Silver and Total columns
  • Gold is the only column that doesn't have sortable=false or suppressHeaderFilterButton

Inner Header Component Copy

When using the Header Component, the agColumnHeader component will display the header name, adjacent to any configured menu, filter, and checkbox.

This text value can be overridden with a Custom Component by setting the innerHeaderComponent and innerHeaderComponentParams properties on the headerComponentParams property. This is useful when you only need to implement a Component to customise the Column Name without having to reimplement the whole header functionality (sorting, filter, menu, etc...).

colDef = {
    headerComponentParams : {
        innerHeaderComponent: MyInnerHeaderComponent,
        innerHeaderComponentParams: {
            currencySymbol: '£' // the pound symbol will be placed into params

Implement this interface to provide a custom inner header component.

IInnerHeaderAngularComp Copy

interface IInnerHeaderAngularComp {
  // Mandatory - Params for rendering this component. 
  agInit(params: IHeaderParams): void;

  // Get the header to refresh. Gets called whenever Column Defs are updated. 
  refresh(params: IHeaderParams): boolean;


IHeaderParams Copy

The column the header is for.
The name to display for the column. If the column is using a headerValueGetter, the displayName will take this into account.
boolean | undefined
Whether sorting is enabled for the column. Only put sort logic into your header if this is true.
Whether menu is enabled for the column. Only display a menu button in your header if this is true.
Whether filter button should be displayed in the header (for new column menu).
Whether filter icon should be displayed in the header (for legacy tabbed column menu).
Callback to request the grid to show the column menu. Pass in the html element of the column menu button to have the grid position the menu over the button. If provided, the grid will call onClosedCallback when the menu is closed.
Callback to request the grid to show the column menu. Similar to showColumnMenu, but will position the menu next to the provided mouseEvent. If provided, the grid will call onClosedCallback when the menu is closed.
Callback to request the grid to show the filter. Pass in the html element of the filter button to have the grid position the menu over the button.
Callback to progress the sort for this column. The grid will decide the next sort direction eg ascending, descending or 'no sort'. Pass multiSort=true if you want to do a multi sort (eg user has Shift held down when they click).
Callback to set the sort for this column. Pass the sort direction to use ignoring the current sort eg one of 'asc', 'desc' or null (for no sort). Pass multiSort=true if you want to do a multi sort (eg user has Shift held down when they click)
The component to use for inside the header (replaces the text value and leaves the remainder of the Grid's original component).
Additional params to customise to the innerHeaderComponent.
The header the grid provides. The custom header component is a child of the grid provided header. The grid's header component is what contains the grid managed functionality such as resizing, keyboard navigation etc. This is provided should you want to make changes to this cell, eg add ARIA tags, or add keyboard event listener (as focus goes here when navigating to the header).
Sets a tooltip to the main element of this component. value The value to be displayed by the tooltip shouldDisplayTooltip A function returning a boolean that allows the tooltip to be displayed conditionally. This option does not work when enableBrowserTooltips={true}.
The grid api.
Application context as set on gridOptions.context.

Custom Component Copy

Column Headers by default use the Provided Header Component. The default can be overridden with Custom Header Component. This example shows a Custom Header Component. Note the following:

  • Column moving and resizing works without custom logic.
  • suppressHeaderFilterButton=true is used to suppress the filter menu.
  • sortable=false is used to suppress sorting.
  • The menu icon is configurable.

The interface for a custom header component is:

interface IHeaderAngularComp {
    // The agInit(params) method is called on the header component once.
    // See below for details on the parameters.
    agInit(params: IHeaderParams): void;

    // Gets called when a new Column Definition has been set for this header.
    // If you handle the refresh of your header return true otherwise return false
    // and the grid will re-create your header from scratch.
    refresh(params: IHeaderParams): boolean;

The agInit(params) method takes a params object with the items listed below.

The column the header is for.
The name to display for the column. If the column is using a headerValueGetter, the displayName will take this into account.
boolean | undefined
Whether sorting is enabled for the column. Only put sort logic into your header if this is true.
Whether menu is enabled for the column. Only display a menu button in your header if this is true.
Whether filter button should be displayed in the header (for new column menu).
Whether filter icon should be displayed in the header (for legacy tabbed column menu).
Callback to request the grid to show the column menu. Pass in the html element of the column menu button to have the grid position the menu over the button. If provided, the grid will call onClosedCallback when the menu is closed.
Callback to request the grid to show the column menu. Similar to showColumnMenu, but will position the menu next to the provided mouseEvent. If provided, the grid will call onClosedCallback when the menu is closed.
Callback to request the grid to show the filter. Pass in the html element of the filter button to have the grid position the menu over the button.
Callback to progress the sort for this column. The grid will decide the next sort direction eg ascending, descending or 'no sort'. Pass multiSort=true if you want to do a multi sort (eg user has Shift held down when they click).
Callback to set the sort for this column. Pass the sort direction to use ignoring the current sort eg one of 'asc', 'desc' or null (for no sort). Pass multiSort=true if you want to do a multi sort (eg user has Shift held down when they click)
The component to use for inside the header (replaces the text value and leaves the remainder of the Grid's original component).
Additional params to customise to the innerHeaderComponent.
The header the grid provides. The custom header component is a child of the grid provided header. The grid's header component is what contains the grid managed functionality such as resizing, keyboard navigation etc. This is provided should you want to make changes to this cell, eg add ARIA tags, or add keyboard event listener (as focus goes here when navigating to the header).
Sets a tooltip to the main element of this component. value The value to be displayed by the tooltip shouldDisplayTooltip A function returning a boolean that allows the tooltip to be displayed conditionally. This option does not work when enableBrowserTooltips={true}.
The grid api.
Application context as set on gridOptions.context.

Responsibilities Copy

The grid provides the following features that should not be implemented by Custom Header Components:

  • Resizing: When enabled, the grid will put an invisible widget to be grabbed by the mouse for resizing.
  • Header Checkbox Selection: When enabled, the grid displays a checkbox for 'select all' in the header.
  • Column Moving The grid will react to Column Dragging to reorder columns.

The Custom Header Component is responsible for the following:

  • Sorting: You will need to process user interaction for sorting. The default grid component sorts when the user clicks the header with the mouse. You may also need to display icons as the sort state of the column changes.
  • Filtering: You do not filter via the column (you filter from inside the menu), however you may need to display icons as the filter state of the column changes.
  • Menu: If you want the user to be able to open the column menu, you will need to manage this user interaction. The default grid component provides a button for the user to click to show the menu.
  • Anything Else: Whatever you want, you are probably creating a custom header to add your own functionality in.

Sorting Copy

How you interact with the user for sorting (e.g. listening for mouse clicks) is up to you. The grid helps you by providing column state and events for getting and setting the sort.

After the user requests a sort, you should call ONE of the following:

  1. params.progressSort(multiSort): Call this method to progress the sort on the column to the next stage. This uses the grid logic to determine the next sort stage (eg 'descending' normally follows 'ascending').
  2. params.setSort(direction, multiSort): If you don't want to use the grid's logic for working out the next sort state, use this to set the sort to a specific state.
// option 1) tell the grid when you want to progress the sorting
onSortClicked(event) {
     // in this example, we do multi sort if Shift key is pressed

// or option 2) tell the grid when you want to set the sort explicitly
// button that always sorts ASCENDING
onSortAscClicked(event) {
    this.params.setSort('asc', event.shiftKey);

// button that always sorts DESCENDING
onSortDescClicked(event) {
    this.params.setSort('desc', event.shiftKey);

To know when a column's sort state has changed (e.g. when to update your icons), you should listen for the sortChanged event on the column.

// listen to the column for sort events
column.addEventListener('sortChanged', function() {

    // get sort state from column
    var sort = column.getSort();
    console.log('sort state of column is ' + sort); // prints one of ['asc',desc',null]

    // then do what you need, e.g. set relevant icons visible
    var sortingAscending = sort==='asc';
    var sortingDescending = sort==='desc';
    var notSorting = !sortingAscending && !sortingDescending;
    // how you update your GUI accordingly is up to you

// don't forget to remove your listener in your destroy code

Filtering Copy

The header doesn't normally initiate filtering. If it does, use the standard grid API to set the filter. The header will typically display icons when the filter is applied. To know when to show a filter icon, listen to the column for filterChanged events.

// listen to the column for filter events
column.addEventListener('filterChanged', function() {
    // when filter changes on the col, this will print one of [true,false]
    console.log('filter of column is ' + column.isFilterActive());

// don't forget to remove your listener in your destroy code

How you get the user to ask for the column menu is up to you. When you want to display the menu, call the params.showColumnMenu() callback. The callback takes the HTML element for the button so that it can place the menu over the button (so the menu appears to drop down from the button).

onMenuClicked() {

Refreshing Headers Copy

If you are creating your own Header Components then you will need to be aware of how Header Components are refreshed.

All Header Components that still exist after the new Column Definitions are applied (in other words, the Column still exists after the update, it was not removed) will have its refresh method called.

It is the responsibility of the Header Component to inspect the Column Definition for relevant changes and update itself if needed. If the refresh was successful then true should be returned. If the refresh was not successful then false should be returned. If false is returned, then the grid will destroy and recreate the component. This pattern is consistent with the refresh method of Cell Renderers.

The example below demonstrates refreshing of the headers. Note the following:

  • Each column is configured to use a custom Header Component.
  • The Header Component logs to the console when its lifecycle methods/functions are called.
  • Toggling between 'Upper Header Names' and 'Lower Header Names' causes the Header Component to refresh.
  • Toggling between 'Filter On' and 'Filter Off' causes the Header Component to refresh. The Header Component returns false which results in the component getting destroyed and recreated.
  • Toggling between 'Resize On' and 'Resize Off' causes the Header Component to refresh. However there is no change to the Header Component as it doesn't depend on resize - the resize UI is provided by the grid.

Custom Props Copy

On top of the props provided by the grid, you can also provide your own parameters. This is useful if you want to allow configuring the header component. For example, you might have a header component for formatting currency which also requires the currency symbol to be provided.

colDef = {
    headerComponent: MyHeaderComponent;
    headerComponentParams : {
        currencySymbol: '£' // the pound symbol will be placed into params

Keyboard Navigation Copy

When using Custom Header Components, the Custom Header Component is responsible for implementing support for keyboard navigation among its focusable elements. This is why by default, focusing a grid header with a Custom Header Component will focus the entire cell instead of any of the elements inside.

Adding support for keyboard navigation and focus requires a custom suppressHeaderKeyboardEvent function in grid options. See Suppress Keyboard Events.

An example of this is shown below, enabling keyboard navigation through the custom header elements when pressing ⇥ Tab and ⇧ Shift+⇥ Tab:

  • Click on the top left Athlete header, press the ⇥ Tab key and notice that the button, textbox and link in the Country header can be tabbed into. At the end of the cell elements, the tab focus moves to the next Age header cell
  • Use ⇧ Shift+⇥ Tab to navigate in the reverse direction

The suppressHeaderKeyboardEvent callback is used to capture tab events and determine if the user is tabbing forward or backwards. It also suppresses the default behaviour of moving to the next cell if tabbing within the child elements.

If the focus is at the beginning or the end of the cell children and moving out of the cell, the keyboard event is not suppressed, so focus can move between the children elements. Also, when moving backwards, the focus needs to be manually set while preventing the default behaviour of the keyboard press event.

Dynamic Tooltips Copy

When using Custom Header Components it might be necessary to have a better control of how Tooltips are added instead of simply using the headerTooltip config. For this purpose, we provide the setTooltip method.

Properties available on the IHeaderParams<TData = any, TContext = any> interface.

Sets a tooltip to the main element of this component. value The value to be displayed by the tooltip shouldDisplayTooltip A function returning a boolean that allows the tooltip to be displayed conditionally. This option does not work when enableBrowserTooltips={true}.

The example below demonstrates using the Dynamic Tooltips with a Custom Header Component.

  • Note that only Column Headers where the text is not fully displayed will show tooltips.

Touch Support Copy

See the Touch documentation for how the grid will handle touch support, particularly for Touch Events.

Tooltips Copy

Tooltips can be added to the Column Header by using the headerTooltip property of the ColDef.

The example below demonstrates using the headerTooltip property in the grid columns.

Text Orientation Copy

By default, the text label for the header is display horizontally, i.e. as normal readable text. To display the text in another orientation you have to provide your own CSS to change the orientation and also provide the adequate header heights using the appropriate grid property.

The following example shows how you can provide a unique look and feel to the headers. Note that:

  • The header heights have all been changed via grid options:
    /* other grid options ... */ />

// Group columns
this.groupHeaderHeight = 75;
// Label columns
this.headerHeight = 150;
// Floating filter
this.floatingFiltersHeight = 50;
// Pivoting, requires turning on pivot mode. Label columns
this.pivotHeaderHeight = 100;
// Pivoting, requires turning on pivot mode. Group columns
this.pivotGroupHeaderHeight = 50;
  • The grouped column header Athlete Details has a specific style applied to it to make it bigger. Note that the style is slightly different depending if pivoting or not:
.ag-pivot-off .ag-header-group-cell {
    font-size: 50px;
    color: red;

.ag-pivot-on .ag-header-group-cell {
    font-size: 25px;
    color: green;
  • The column labels have CSS applied to them so they are displayed vertically.
.ag-header-cell-label {
    /* Necessary to allow for text to grow vertically */
    height: 100%;
    padding: 0 !important;

.ag-header-cell-label .ag-header-cell-text {
    /* Force the width corresponding to how much width
    we need once the text is laid out vertically */
    width: 30px;
    transform: rotate(90deg);
    margin-top: 50px;
    /* Since we are rotating a span */
    display: inline-block;
  • The floating filters are using a much bigger area and the font used is bigger and bolder.
.ag-floating-filter-body input {
    height: 49px;

.ag-floating-filter-button {
    margin-top: -49px;

.ag-floating-filter-button button {
    height: 49px

.ag-floating-filter-body input {
    font-size: 15px;
    font-weight: bold;
  • The styling of the column labels have also been tweaked depending if pivoting or not.
.ag-pivot-off .ag-header-cell-label {
    color: #8a6d3b;

.ag-pivot-on .ag-header-cell-label {
    color: #1b6d85;
    font-weight: bold;